Frugal Ways to Prepare for the Unexpected

Mar 28, 2013 on Frugal living tips

Frugal ways to prepare for the unexpected

It is important to know how to prepare for emergency situations. You never know when one little event can throw the rest of your life in an entirely different direction. You can prepare in several different ways for unexpected. It is important to have emergency kits on hand to prepare you for natural disasters or other issues. It is also important to have an emergency fund on hand to help you handle any financial emergencies you may face in the future. Creating a plan for the different types of emergencies can help you be prepared to handle any bumps in the road like serious illness, unemployment or a natural disaster. Taking the time to prepare in each of these areas will make it easier to deal with the crisis at hand.

Setting Up Emergency Kits for Car and Home

One of the first things you need to do is create emergency kits for your home and car. For your home, you need to store at least a week’s worth of water for each member of your family. This works out to about a gallon per person per day. Additionally, you should put together a bag for each family member with two or three days change of clothes, food and snacks and activities. The food and clothing you can rotate out during each time change. This is the kit you will take with you if you need to go to a shelter or evacuate your home quickly. You can include a list of contact information in each kit including an out of town number for people to call. In your car emergency kit, you should include basic tools, food, first aid supplies and water. The water and food should be a three-day supply, but you will need to rotate the food more often since the heat in a car can cause it to spoil more quickly. One you know how to prepare for emergency situations, you can rest easy knowing that your family is taken care of.

Backing Up Your Digital World 

Another important precaution you should take is to back up your digital world. If your home is damaged in a fire, you may lose everything that was stored on your computer. Your computer may fail unexpectedly, and you will lose everything that you have backed up. It is important to have a solid plan in place to protect you and your family from losing the data stored on your computer. The back up method needs to be off site, as an added form of protection. You may want to consider using or a site like it to back up the information and images you have stored on the computer.

Budgeting for the Unexpected

Emergencies nearly always affect you financially. It is important to know how to prepare for emergency situations now. The best way to do this is to build up an emergency fund of six months of your income. You can do this by saving money each month and putting it aside to use only for emergencies. This can be what you fall back on if you find out that you do not have a job or if you are unable to work due to a serious illness or accident. You can also create budget categories for medical expenses and car repairs so that you can handle those expenses without worrying too much when the event happens. Getting a handle on your budget is the best way you can prepare for the unexpected.

How to prepare for the unexpected


Shopping for a Stock Pile

Many people whom coupon build a stock pile to help them take advantage of sales and coupons. The stockpile is a great way to be prepared for an emergency. It can be very comforting to realize that you have everything you need to survive stored in your home. If you use your coupons with the in-store sales, you can often get items for only a few cents or for free. It is important to shop only for the items that you actually need or to donate extra items you will not use to a shelter or charity. You can join a coupon group like or look for a mentor to help you recognize when the lowest price for each item will come. Most items will go on sale every three months. You can track the prices yourself in a price book to begin to build up your stockpile.

Storing Your Stockpile

It is important to store your stockpile in a cool environment. This will help the items to last longer. Many people choose a basement or set aside a specific room in their home for their stockpile. You can set up shelves so that it is easy to organize and find your stockpile. You need to set up a rotation system, so you are using the older items first. This will prevent you from allowing food to spoil. If you plan carefully, you can most of your shopping from your stockpile each week. This can help you know how to prepare for emergency situations, so you will not need to worry in the future.  

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