10 Funny Halloween Costumes Ideas for Couples

Sep 25, 2013 on Seasonal and Holiday

 With Halloween fast approaching, do you have couples Halloween costume ideas for you and your special someone? There is nothing more interesting than the funny couples Halloween costumes that people come up with. There are so many great funny Halloween costume ideas out there. Here are ten funny Halloween costumes ideas for couples that I found.


 1. Bacon and Egg Costumes – Kohl’s $29.69


I found several funny Halloween costumes for couples at Kohl’s, but the bacon and egg costume at only $29.69 was my favorite. The food costumes are quite unique—and funny, too! There’s even a beer and pretzel costume. Great for an adult Halloween party! With Kohls coupons, you can save even more off the already low prices.


2. Glee Couple Costumes – Target $29.99


Do you watch Glee? It’s a popular TV show that many would want to star on. Well, now is your chance. Get your singing voice on, and go out on Halloween as your favorite Glee couple, starting at just $29.99 per costume at Target, with Target coupons saving you even more.


 3. Dr. Seuss’s Thing 1 and Thing 2 Costumes – Walgreens $54.99


How fun for couples to go to a costume party as Dr. Seuss characters! The Thing 1 and 2 costume from the famous book, The Cat in the Hat, comes with the two interchangeable numbers. To save money on the $54.99 costume, one of the couple could dress in a red bodysuit and use one of the numbers. Thus, half the cost! Plus, your Walgreens coupons will also cut down the price.


 4. Cheeseburger and French Fries Costumes – Amazon $15.15


There’s that food theme again! Going as a food pair is one of my favorite funny Halloween costume ideas for couples. Cheeseburger and French fries is my favorite Friday night meal, so I can easily see my boyfriend going out on Halloween as a big, juicy cheeseburger and me along as the fries. Ketchup,anyone? Amazon has these starting out as low as $15.15 for one. Grab Amazon coupons to save on your couples costumes and more accessories for Halloween.


 5. Ketchup and Mustard Costumes – eBay $6.95


Speaking of ketchup, you can find a ketchup and mustard pair on eBay, starting at only $6.95 for the pair! This costume gets lots of attention. I can vouch for it, as I have my own ketchup and mustard costume set. Not only have I used it several times, but it has also been borrowed from me by couples. It’s definitely a hit! Save on already low prices with eBay coupons!


 6. Plug and Socket Costumes – Halloween Express $59.99


The plug and socket costume is really popular, as I have been seeing it all over the web. It gets great reviews at Halloween Express. You can save on the $59.99 price with Halloween Express coupons. While you’re there, it’s worth it to check out other funny Halloween costumes for couples such as Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head!


 7. Pebbles & BamBam Costumes – Wholesale Costume Club $27.90


I’ve seen the adult Flintstones, but this is the first Pebbles & BamBam that I’ve seen for adults. How funny! This site sells the pair cheap, too, at only $27.90, with WholeSale Costume Club coupons to make it even more affordable. This site is definitely worth checking out.


 8. Spartan Cheerleaders Costumes – Halloween Costumes- $28.99


Remember the Spartan Cheerleaders from Saturday Night Live? Well, now you and your partner can be them! This is one of the most fun Halloween costume ideas for couples. If you know their routine, you’ll enjoy this one all evening long. These start at $28.99 each, but you can save off that price with Halloween Costumes coupons.  


 9. Peanut Butter & Jelly Costumes – Wal-Mart $47.99


Yes, the food theme seems to be really popular this year. Wal-Mart has a lot of inexpensive costumes that could be put together for couples, but one I found that is geared towards couples is the peanut butter and jelly costume. Both costumes are included for $47.99, with Walmart coupons helping out, too!


 10. Rock, Paper, Scissors Costumes – Spirit $59.99

Yes, the famous game is now a rock, paper, scissors costume! Perhaps a little pricey at Spirit for $59.99, it is totally worth it, as it will be a great conversation piece. And it does include three costumes! Now, you may have to find a third person for this costume, but I had to include it for its originality. Spirit Halloween coupons will help you save on the price, too!

 Now you have some ideas for funny Halloween costumes for couples—at some great prices! Perhaps you already have your own creative, funny Halloween costume ideas for this year picked out. If so, share them below!